Pixelsaurus side-only ‘Premium’ templates are specialised products catering for Signwriters, Livery Designers, Graphic Designers, Wrap Designers and more. These high-quality 100% vector renders are proven to give a better result than standard line art or photos that are commonly used. These allow for incredibly easy application of artwork for a great, instant and professional result. Make the sometimes-painful process of working out exactly what it is your client requires simpler, easier and more impressive for an all-around more pleasant experience for both sides of the relationship.
Each side-on ‘Premium’ vector template comes with preset Base, Artwork and Shading layers that allow you to quickly apply rendered artwork to the vehicle, giving a dynamic, textured feel.
Simply add to cart, purchase and your download link will be supplied via email instantly.
Prices are in New Zealand Dollars
This file is supplied as an Adobe Illustrator CS6 .ai plus Adobe .pdf and includes a simple read-me file.
As these templates are created in Adobe Illustrator, we can not guarantee quality in other applications
Mark always provides above class templates and attention to detail is always spot on.